Learn JavaScript
If you are one of those people who want to learn JavaScript and wondering how this can help you in your work, so you are on right place.
In this app you will find the easiest and effective way to learn JavaScript step by step. Here we share some advantages of JavaScript with you.
JavaScript advantages
➢ Fast speed: JavaScript is executed on the client side that’s why it is very
➢ Easy to learn: JavaScript is easy to learn. Any one which have basic
knowledge of programming can easily lean JavaScript.
➢ Versatility: It refers to lots of skills. It can be used in a wide range of
➢ Browser Compatible: JavaScript supports all modern browsers. It can
execute on any browser and produce same result.
➢ Server Load: JavaScript reduce the server load as it executes on the client
➢ Rich interfaces: JavaScript provides the drag and drop functionalities
which can provides the rich look to the web pages.
➢ Popularity: JavaScript is a very popular web language because it is used
every where on the web.
➢ Regular Updates: JavaScript updated annually by ECMA.
Course Content
In this course we have almost covered all the topics from basic to advance.
The remaining advanced level chapters will be uploaded soon.
Features added for readers ease :
➢ Practice with code examples
➢ Great User Interface
➢ Easy to Understand
➢ Effective explanation
➢ All topics are offline
➢ Dark mode, make it easier to
stay focused.
➢ Custom text size and color
➢ Different app themes options
➢ Book Mark Option Added
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