Database Management Systems
If you are one of those people who want to learn Database Management Systems and wondering how this can help you in your work, so you are on right place.
In this app you will find the easiest and effective way to learn DBMS step by step. Here we share some advantages of DBMS with you.
Advantages of Database Management System (DBMS)
➢ Improved data sharing
➢ Improved data security
➢ Better data integration
➢ Minimized data inconsistency
➢ Improved data access
➢ Improved decision making
➢ Increased end-user productivity
📚 Course Content
⦿ What is DBMS?
⦿ Database Architecture in DBMS
⦿ DBMS Schemas
⦿ Relational Data Model in DBMS
⦿ ER Diagram
⦿ Relational Algebra in DBMS
⦿ DBMS Transaction Management
⦿ DBMS Concurrency Control
⦿ DBMS Keys
⦿ Functional Dependency in DBMS
⦿ Data Independence in DBMS
⦿ Hashing in DBMS
⦿ SQL Commands
⦿ DBMS Joins
⦿ Indexing in DBMS
⦿ Microsoft Access Tutorial
⦿ File System vs DBMS
⦿ SQL vs NoSQL
⦿ Clustered vs Non-clustered Index
⦿ Primary Key vs Foreign Key
⦿ Primary Key vs Unique Key
⦿ Row vs Column
⦿ DDL vs DML
⦿ BEST Database Software
⦿ Best Database Design Tools
⦿ Top Database Interview Questions
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