Express Js Mastery
This comprehensive course takes you from the fundamentals to advanced concepts, equipping you with the skills needed to build efficient backend applications, RESTful APIs, and microservices.
The course covers core concepts such as routing, request and response handling, middleware functions, and serving static files. You will also explore advanced middleware techniques, error handling, and logging using tools like Morgan.
The course also covers essential security measures, including role-based access control (RBAC), preventing SQL injection, and securing applications with Helmet.
By the end of this course, you will have a deep understanding of Express.js and be able to build robust, scalable, and production-ready applications.
📚 Course Overview
⦿ Express.js and Why Use It?
⦿ Installing Express.js and Setting Up a Project
⦿ Understanding Express Middleware
⦿ Basic Routing in Express.js
⦿ Handling Request and Response Objects
⦿ Express Application Object Explained
⦿ Using Environment Variables (dotenv)
⦿ Handling Different HTTP Methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
⦿ Route Parameters and Query Strings
⦿ Serving Static Files in Express.js
⦿ Types of Middleware (Built-in, Third-party, Custom)
⦿ Creating Custom Middleware Functions
⦿ Using Morgan for Logging Requests
⦿ Body Parsing with express.json() and express.urlencoded()
⦿ Error Handling Middleware in Express.js
⦿ Using Template Engines (EJS, Pug, Handlebars)
⦿ Setting Up and Rendering Views
⦿ Passing Data to Views
⦿ Using Layouts for Dynamic Content
⦿ Client-side vs Server-side Rendering
⦿ Connecting Express.js with MongoDB using Mongoose
⦿ Creating, Reading, Updating, and Deleting (CRUD) Operations
⦿ Handling Database Errors and Validation
⦿ Using Sequelize with MySQL/PostgreSQL
⦿ Implementing Model Relationships in Databases
⦿ User Authentication with JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
⦿ Using bcrypt for Password Hashing
⦿ Implementing Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
⦿ Securing Express Apps with Helmet
⦿ Preventing SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
⦿ File Uploads with Multer
⦿ Implementing WebSockets in Express.js
⦿ Caching with Redis in Express.js
⦿ Using Background Jobs with Bull Queue
⦿ Rate Limiting to Prevent API Abuse
⦿ Building a RESTful API with Express.js
⦿ Handling API Authentication (JWT, OAuth)
⦿ Versioning APIs in Express
⦿ Using GraphQL with Express.js
⦿ Building Microservices with Express.js
⦿ Unit Testing Express Apps with Jest
⦿ API Testing with Supertest
⦿ Using Postman for API Testing
⦿ Dockerizing an Express.js Application
⦿ Deploying Express Apps on Vercel, Heroku, and AWS
⦿ Improving Express Performance with Compression
⦿ Load Balancing and Clustering in Express.js
⦿ Debugging Express.js Applications
⦿ Writing Clean and Maintainable Code in Express
⦿ Best Practices for Production-Ready Express Apps
📲 Master Express.js and Build Scalable Web Apps – Download Now and Start Coding!