Pororo’s Summer Vacation
There are many fun games waiting for you.
Enjoy outdoor activities in swimming pools, beaches and forests with friends!
- Jump as hard as you can and collect the jewels floating in the sky.
▶Creating Sand Castles
- Whose sand castle is the coolest? Make a nice sand castle with your friends.
- Try achieving your goals without bumping into your friends.
- Enjoy your exciting camping! Set up a tent, bake meat and have a good time!
▶Watergun Play
- Let’s fill the water gun with water and enjoy watergun play with Pororo & friends!
▶Rainy Day
- On rainy days, take an umbrella and raincoat and go out to play!
- Travel in the sea with Pororo and Crong and discover cute sea animal friends.
64, Pangyu-ro, 255beon-gil, Bundang-gu
Korea, Republic of
- Customer Inquiry : 070. 7333. 3333 (weekdays / lunch time : 12:30 ~ 1:30)
- E-mail : [email protected]
- Payment Information : In-app payment is indicated as an amount including VAT (10%)