Pororo Animal Friends
With a variety of animal friends, you can enjoy adventures by enjoying exciting stories.
Enjoy a variety of games, including catching fish, puzzles, animal quizzes, and building houses!
◇ I Love Banana
- Shall we have a delicious banana with a cute monkey?
◇ Guess who?
- What animal friends are waiting for you?
◇ The Crocodile Bus
- Escape the jungle with the crocodile!
◇ The Beaver House
- Let's build a new house for a beaver with your friends!
◇ Find the Lesser Panda!
- Go on an adventure with cute lesser panda!
64, Pangyu-ro, 255beon-gil, Bundang-gu
Korea, Republic of
- Customer Inquiry : 070. 7333. 3333 (weekdays / lunch time : 12:30 ~ 1:30)
- E-mail : [email protected]
- Payment Information : In-app payment is indicated as an amount including VAT (10%)