nbWatch: Weather Esp
- Modern interface with information about date, day of week, month, battery info...
- Weather data according to the relative position of the watch (refresh every 5~15 minutes / refresh manually) (tap on center to request)
+ Name of current location according to the relative position of the clock (street or neighborhood or county or province)
+ Feels like, wind speed, visibility, humidity, uvindex, dewpoint, , wind gusts, wind direction (tap on bottom left to switch information)
+ Cloud cover
+ Today max/min temperature
+ Switch between °C and °F (tap on bottom right to change)
+ Forecast chart for the next 6 days (max/min temperature, weather icon)
+ Sunrise/Sunset time
+ Many themes (tap on top to change)
INFO: Watchface needs location data access to most accurately forecast your location, data will not be collected or shared as per privacy policy
Official: https://nbsix.com/68ns