nbWatch: Message Style
- Hour format (follow system/AM/PM/24H)
- Methods for adding information in a messaging style (Add "message" by): double tap on screen/after AOD or reactive watch/Or both of these methods
- Choose a background color for the "message" information (Left/Rigth "message" color): Tundora, Bluewood, Black
- Select the type of data you need to display randomly in a messaging style (Select "message"):
+ Information about the current time: Day of week, Date, Month, Week of year, Day of year, Year, AM/PM
+ Battery info: Last charged time, Last battery full (Charging events and full battery events must be recorded while this watch is active. Otherwise, it will display 'n/a'.)
+ Calendar event: Next event, During event (Read calendar permission is required)
+ Lunar info
+ World time: display the time in the time zones represented by the respective cities
* AOD supported
**Ads only show up on the mobile app to make it more frequent to issue coupons**
+ This watch face is available for trial for 360 minutes
+ When the trial expires, a message to buy Premium (in-app purchase) will appear on the watch face. Double-tap on the screen to proceed with the purchase.
+ To check Premium, hold press the watchface, select custom menu. If you haven't purchased it yet, the Buy Premium button will be available here to purchase it.
And many more features will be updated in the coming period.
Please send any crash reports or request help to our support address.
We appreciate your feedback!
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