Binary Converter/Translator
Features of this binary converter (Translator):
These are the functionalities of this binary code translator,
- Binary to text
With this feature of this app, you convert a binary code to text with just one click
- Binary to Decimal
Binary to decimal conversion is made easy with this tool. Convert a binary code into a decimal number easily with this feature
- Decimal to binary
A decimal contains 0 to 9 numbers and it is a base-10 number while a binary number contains just zeros and ones. With this feature, you can convert decimal to binary easily.
- Hexadecimal to decimal
A hex number is a base-16 number it includes 0 to 9 and A to F alphabet letters. This number is widely used in MAC addresses of modern electronic systems. With this feature, you can simplify a hex number into a decimal number
- Text to binary
An electronic machine can only understand binary numbers while humans can only understand text values. With a view to simplifying the communication line between an electronic circuit and a human command, we have developed this text to binary converter. With the help of this converter, one can easily make a microprocessor understand the human commands in a text value.
So, by downloading this simple binary conversion app, you will get to use all these features without any payment.