BTU, Joules, KJ, KWH Converter
Once you select an option from all these energy units, you just need to insert the value that you want to convert from and into. And that's all, you will get the desired final answer inside the textbox.
Features of this BTU, Joules, KJ (Kilojoules), kWh:
- BTU to Joules
- BTU to Kj
- BTU to kWh
- Joules to BTU
- Joules to kwh
- Joules to kj
- KJ to joules
- KJ to btu
- KJ to kwh
The conversion of all these energy units:
1 BTU = 1055.060000 Joules
1 BTU = 1.055060 KJ
1 BTU = 0.000293 kWh
1 J = 0.000948 BTU
1 J = 0.001000 KJ
100 J = 0.000028 kWh
1 kJ = 0.947817 BTU
1 kJ = 1000.000000 J
1 kJ = 0.000278 kWh