WeatherTrend-Weather Forecast
⛅ Hourly and daily weather forecast.
🌍 Add and track weather reports for multiple locations.
🌡️ Provide useful information such as temperature, humidity, dew point, air pressure, wind speed, etc.
【Detailed Forecasts】
Get the latest accurate weather forecast for your location, including hourly, daily and multi-day predictions.
【Multiple Locations】
Add and track weather forecasts for multiple locations worldwide to plan ahead for your travels or outdoor activities.
【Detailed Weather Metrics】
Dive into meteorological details with humidity, visibility, dew point, wind speed, and more. WeatherTrend brings you the weather data you could possibly need.
【User-friendly Interface】
Enjoy our easy-to-use layout that makes navigating through different features seamless.
Download WeatherTrend now and stay ahead of the weather.