Wakar Nura M Inuwa
aikace-aikacen kiɗan layi ne tare da ingantaccen inganci.
Masu amfani da wannan aikace-aikacen kuma suna iya ba da buƙatun waƙa
ta hanyar rubuta a cikin sharhin shafi.
Da fatan za a ba da zargi mai ma'ana da shigar da hankali a cikin rukunin sharhi na godiya.
All content of this application is not owned by the application developer,
we as the developer only collect it from the web public creative commons and do not upload it ourselves.
The copyright of all songs and lyrics in this application belongs to the creators, musicians and music labels concerned.
If you are the copyright holder of the songs in this application and don't want your song to be displayed,
please contact us via the developer / developer email that we have provided and tell us about your ownership status for the song.
We will be very respectful and immediately delete the song or lyrics in question. Finally,
if there is an unintentional error, we deeply apologize.