USA Phone Numbers, 2nd Number
USA Phone Numbers is an app providing FREE United States phone numbers for online usage, to help people hide their real phone numbers in online activity and receive OTP (One Time Password) Verification codes while they sign-up to/use online services, apps and websites.
* Hide your Personal Phone Number
Today, Many websites, apps and services require phone number verification for you to start using them which may risk your phone number to be published or shared with third-parties and used to spam you
with unwanted advertisements and ads. For this reason, you can use USA Phone Numbers app to hide your own phone number by providing one of our phone numbers listed and gain access to the website,
App or service you want without being at the risk of providing sensitive information about you to untrusted or foggy parties.
* Fast & Instant SMS receiving
As soon as the service, website or app sends you the SMS it'll be available almost instantly in the app.