Tractor Forest Farm Simulator
With heavy machinery like excavators, you can easily handle tasks such as transporting stones. The navigation system makes it easy to reach your destination while driving the tractor. You can also cultivate and harvest fields. We’ve focused on realistic physics to ensure an enjoyable tractor driving experience. The hydraulic systems of the tractors and equipment are designed to mimic real-life movements when attachments are connected.
Here are some of the tasks and jobs available in the Tractor Simulator Game:
Attaching a trailer to your tractor and completing product transportation missions.
Harvesting or cutting corn using a combine harvester.
Transporting felled trees from the forest to paved roads via muddy tracks and steep hills by attaching them to your tractor with chains.
Feeding sheep and cows in the barn using a livestock feed mixer.
Loading fertilizer onto a pickup truck using a forklift and delivering it to a farmer’s field.
Plowing fields with an old classic tractor.
Hauling a trailer loaded with logs using a large modern tractor.
Loading stones into a trailer with an excavator.
Manually loading hay bales onto a trailer and transporting them to the storage area.
Selling and delivering crops grown on your farm to silos or markets.
Transporting animals to butchers with a pickup truck.
In the Excavator Tractor Farming Simulator, all vehicles feature an interior camera, and dashboard indicators such as speed and engine RPM are fully functional. The game map resembles village life, offering a scenic countryside experience with natural landscapes and the sounds of animals, allowing you to immerse yourself in farming life.
Features to Upgrade Your Tractor Include:
Adding or purchasing a cabin for your tractor.
Installing front bumpers or protective iron cages.
Replacing the tractor’s exhaust.
Adding stickers to the tractor’s body and windows.
Applying protective covers to the tractor’s body.
Customizing the tractor’s license plate.
Adding lights and flashing beacons to the tractor.
Tractor Driving Game 2024 introduces a range of new equipment, including cultivators, fruit tree sprayers, combine harvesters, large trailers, plows, forestry transportation tools, hay bale carriers, and more. Experience the joy of driving tractors on bumpy and muddy village roads.