Share and find phone numbers
If they look for you, let yourself be found, be part of our cell phone directory. Share your business phone number and let everyone find your number.
Telephone directories are quite useful to find the number of our relatives, friends, acquaintances or a company, but nowadays conventional telephones are being reduced and mainly the mobile phone is used, either for comfort, ease or simply because we spend We are working and at home for only a few hours, so we have developed a cell phone directory that allows us to search for any number that has previously been registered in the service.
To share:
If you need your cell phone number to be visible to anyone who uses the app, you can do it simply by logging in with your Google account and you will reach many more people, you can manage your phone number, that is, you can modify the country, the description, the name and phone numbers.
Remember that the country you select will be where it is displayed, therefore it is important to check the field before publishing your phone number.
To visualize:
If you are looking for a number that is registered, you will find it in the app at no cost and you can immediately call or save the number on your device, keep in mind that you will see the cell phone numbers only for the country where you are.
* If you have questions, queries, recommendations or any problem, you can leave us in the opinions or comments section.