Pixar Stickers: Lightyear
Stickers Include:
- Buzz and Izzy - Strike a Pose
- Buzz - Call Me
- Buzz - Hiding Sneaking
- Buzz - Incredulous
- Buzz - Let's Go! I'm Ready!
- Buzz - On My Way!
- Sox - Sneaky
- Sox - Startled
- Buzz & Hawthorne - Confidence Fail
- Buzz & Hawthorne - Friendship
- Izzy - New Plan
- Izzy - Wow
- Recruits - Aye Aye Salute
- Recruits - Buzz High Five
- Recruits - Eating
- Ship - Blastoff Countdown
- Sox - Congratulations Confetti
- Sox - Keyboard Meme Cat
- Sox - Scanning Alarm
- Zurg - Aim Shoot Off Screen
- Zurg - Angry
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