Paste stickers with the app icon

Paste stickers with the app : HoroGames


Download Paste stickers with the app APK for Android - Free - Latest Version

Latest Version

Name Paste stickers with the app APK
Version 1.2
Updated 2024-08-17
Developer HoroGames
ID com.Ashiisuti.Pastestickerswiththeapp
Installs 73
Category Educational

Paste stickers with the app

The "Sticker Pasting App" is an educational tool, not just a game, aimed at children aged 2-6 and those in special needs education. Developed by an experienced special needs teacher, the app digitizes the sticker pasting activity, enhancing fine motor skills and attention to detail. It addresses challenges faced in physical sticker pasting, such as preparation time and the physical difficulty of handling stickers, by using drag-and-drop functionality, making it accessible to children with motor skill challenges.

The app features:

41 sticker mats with various themes, including seasonal events.
Unlimited use of 10 colored stickers, encouraging creativity and color learning.
Adjustable difficulty levels in terms of the number of stickers and color matching.
Simple design for easy understanding and repeated use.
Free access for all, with planned free updates.
This app enhances hand-eye coordination and fosters self-expression and creativity, providing valuable skills for sports, music, and daily activities. It turns a simple activity into a tool for broad learning applications, from basic mathematical concepts to advanced pattern and color matching.

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