MU: Dark Epoch
[Iconic Classes]
Classic remastered classes with countless branches available for class change.
[Epic Battles]
Team up with friends to conquer dungeons, establish the strongest guild, gather companions, and engage in thrilling PvP battles in Roland City. Who will secure dominance in the server?
[Free Trade]
Experience the joy of getting rich overnight through fair trading! Enjoy high rewards at the auction house and share auction profits with allies. Trade freely without limitations!
[High Drop Rate]
Even regular monsters can drop high-quality exceptional equipment! Enjoy a 300% drop rate boost to upgrade exceptional gear easily. Enhance them to +13 and skyrocket your power!
[AFK Leveling]
Free your hands and level up effortlessly even during busy times. Enjoy the continuous thrill of looting treasures and experience the ultimate gaming experience!
[The Classic Experience]
Crafted with the highest standards, this sequel to the classic MU restores the essence of the original game. Built with the UE4 engine, it offers immersive movie-like graphics and epic, magnificent scenes. It presents you with the most authentic and top-notch MU world of the year!