Map Quiz World Tour
Which trip will you take? There are plenty to choose from, with more coming every month
- Travel the continents of the world with the Europe, Americas, Asia and Africa packs
- Hop from city to city in each continent as you explore the capital cities of the world
- Jet around the US as you visit all 50 states - can you name them all?
- Test your historical knowledge with trips to the host countries and cities of famous sporting events
- Or just let Map Quiz take you on a random trip, exploring different countries every time!
Not sure where you've been dropped off on your trip? Get a hint! Zoom out to see the surrounding countries, take a look at the country's flag, or even get some of the letters. Be careful, they take a while to regenerate, so use them wisely!
Map Quiz is made by a one person (hi!), so I love hearing from people who play Map Quiz! If you have any comments, please email me at [email protected]! :)