Magic Slate - Color & Draw
The Application offers a wide range of features; these are the tools you can use to draw glow lines, shapes and color in paint brush.
✓ Pencil tool: By using different pencil size, you can draw thin, free-form lines, shapes and curving lines that have different sizes.
✓ Color picker: Use the Color picker tool to set the current pencil or canvas background color. By picking a color from the color pallet, you can make sure that you're using the color you want when drawing in Paint, so your colors match.
✓ Fill with background color: Use the Fill with color tool to fill the entire background of the drawing area with color.
✓ Erasing part of a picture: Use the Eraser tool with different size to erase areas of your picture.
✓ Save a picture: Click the save button to save your pictures in to gallery.
✓ Undo and redo last action
✓ View your drawings/ art gallery and edit or delete your drawings
✓ Draw with different kinds of style brushes
✓ Included different kinds of shapes like line, dotted line, rectangle, square, circle and triangle
✓ Click an area on the canvas to fill color to specific part of the drawing and apply same into canvas background
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