Little Car Wash
You could feel like a real young motorist, who performs one of the most important and very useful works car washing.
When you chooses a car that you likes, he will thoroughly wash it using various means for washing, brush the dirt with a brush, soap it with a washcloth, wash it clean with running water, and then wipe it dry. Also replace the old ugly and worn wheels with the newest and most modern ones.
At the end of all this, you will need to paint the repaired and washed car in any of the available colors. But it is very important and interesting that you has the opportunity to paint on his car everything he wants, or paste a new, colorful and bright sticker.
* brush the dirt
* soap it with a washcloth
* wash it clean with running water
* wipe it dry
* pump the tyres
* refill fuel
* blow away dust and leaves