Kila: Puss in Boots
Kila offers fun story books to stimulate the love of reading. Kila’s story books help kids to enjoy reading and learning with a plentiful amount of fables and fairy tales.
Once upon a time a miller died, leaving the mill to his eldest son, a donkey to his second son, and nothing but a cat to his youngest son.
The third son, finding the whole situation quite unfair, sat down on a stone and sighed, “A cat! What am I going to do with a lousy cat?”
The cat heard his words and said, “Don't worry. You will see what I can do.” Then the cat asked the young man for some things.
The young man gave the cat what he asked for, and with his new equipment in hand, the cat was off.
Puss in Boots set off for the jungle and he immediately caught a couple of partridges.
He then presented the partridges to the King and said, “Your Majesty! These are gifts from my master, the Marquis of Carabas!” The king was very pleased with the gifts.
On his way back home, Puss in Boots passed by some fields where harvesters were working. He commanded them, “If anyone asks you whom this field belongs to, you must reply that it belongs to the Marquis of Carabas, or I will get the ogre to eat you all up!” The workers were frightened of the ogre and agreed to do so.
When Puss in Boots reached home, he told his master, “Master, you will be meeting the King soon. Go to the river nearby and have a bath!” The man did as his cat told him.
Puss in Boots immediately took all his clothes and hid behind a rock nearby.
When the King’s carriage came by, the cat went up to the King and said, “Your Majesty! Some thugs robbed him of his fine clothes and pushed him into this river! Please save him!”
The King commanded his servants to save the miller’s son and bring him to the carriage.
As they went past the fields, the king stopped and asked the workers, “To whom do these fields belong?” They replied, “The Marquis of Carabas, Your Majesty!” The King was very pleased to hear this.
Puss in Boots, in the meantime, went to a castle nearby where a ferocious ogre lived. The cat said to him, “I have heard you can become anything you want to.” The ogre replied, “Of course!” and instantly turned into a lion.
Then, the clever cat challenged him, “I am sure you cannot become a mouse!” The ogre was enraged and turned into a tiny mouse. Puss in Boots quickly pounced on him and ate him up!
When the King’s carriage reached the castle, the cat said. “Welcome, your Majesty! This is the castle of the Marquis of Carabas!” Hearing this, the king was again very pleased.
He then invited the miller’s son to marry his youngest and loveliest daughter. Soon, they were married and lived happily ever after in the castle
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