Premature Ejaculation Exercise
Premature ejaculation is the unwanted or uncontrollable early release of semen during sexual intercourse. While premature ejaculation is not considered a medical condition, it can have negative effects on a male’s self-confidence and can affect his sexual relationships. To incorporate these premature ejaculation exercise into your daily routine, you can start by setting aside a few minutes each day, perhaps during your morning or evening routine, to practice them. Consistency is key, so try to integrate them into activities like showering or while brushing your teeth. Over time, as the exercises become second nature, you can gradually increase the number of repetitions or duration.
Strengthening the muscles that surround and support the genital area can assist the penis in obtaining and maintaining an erection and address issues that cause premature ejaculation. For example, premature ejaculation exercise are a set of exercises that target the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle, which lies at the base of the pelvis and helps control ejaculation.