Karnaugh Map Solver
How to Use Karnaugh Map Solver:
Select the canonical form: Choose how you want to represent the Boolean function:
Sum of Products (minterms): Highlights combinations where the output is 1.
Product of Sums (maxterms): Focuses on combinations where the output is 0.
Specify the number of variables: Define the number of variables in your Boolean function. The app supports Karnaugh maps from 2 to 5 variables.
Customize variable names: Assign custom names to your variables. By default, the variables are labeled [A, B, C, D, E], but you can personalize them as needed.
Configure values in the map: In the generated grid, click on the squares to toggle values between 0, 1, and X as required. Once you’ve set all the combinations, the simplified Boolean function will automatically display at the top.
Access the truth table: Use the "Truth Table" tab to view and edit all possible variable combinations. Changes made here will automatically update the Karnaugh map and the Boolean function.
Generate the logic circuit: In the "Circuit" tab, visualize the digital circuit representing the simplified Boolean function. Adjust the input variable values and observe how the output changes in real-time.