iShopAtoZ Seller
You can manage your online digital store on iShopAtoZ Seller App.
View your order history, and manage product catalog effortlessly.
iShopAtoZ will strive to increase your sales by 2x-3x by increasing customer reach.
iShopAtoZ will try to be your one stop solution when it comes to connecting all kinds of sellers to customers.
Seller platform that has been built to make selling simpler for you and various features that help you carry out all the business processes in the easiest possible way.
If you do not own a shop, you can also become a seller in your area and earn upto 50 to 60 thousand monthly income. You can write us as mail on [email protected], iShopAtoZ team will guide you for further process.
How does iShopAtoZ make selling simpler for you?
-Monitor real-time sales and quality metrics; keep an eye on how your business is performing and what you need to do to make it go even further
-Manage your listings: Create new listings on to existing products, update price and quantity
Keep a check on your inventory by tracking what items are near expiry date and which items are low in stock
-Calculate your profit automatically based on the selling price and purchased price
-Manage your orders from anywhere- view upcoming and completed orders, create shipping label, dispatch orders, download manifest & track shipments
-iShopAtoZ Seller Support is always there to help you with all your queries raised via the app
Happy selling on iShopAtoZ Seller. Download now, it’s all Free and send us your feedback or any query right from within the app.