Haiku Clickzz
The Gallery Page of Haiku Clickzz, allows you to explore the finest collection of sample photos, sample e-Albums and sample Videos.
Events :
The Event Page will display all the events available for the customer. Each event contains Photo Selection, Media, Info.
Photo Selection:
The Photo Selection process involves customers selecting the images for designing album. Three folders will be seen - 1. Undecided 2. Selected 3. Rejected. The customer can either swipe Right or Left and any one of the action (selection, rejection or undecided) will be performed depending on the folder there are in.
Media :
With the help of Artificial Intelligence all the photos available for every face is separated and shown in "View by Faces". When a customer uploads his selfie in his profile, the AI matches the selfie with the faces available and separates the matched photos and displays in "My Photos". Thus the customers gets all his photos separately. If the customer's selfie doesn't match with the faces available then no match will be displayed in " My Photos".
Photos :
The photos will be displayed.
e-Album :
It is a digital album and the customer can flip through the pages and view the album
Customer can view the event videos.
Book Now :
Customer can send booking enquiry for any event by selecting the Event type, Date and comment if any.