EscapeSlide! Liminal Labyrinth
Anyway, have fun! ~~ The Labyrinth in a "Liminal" ~*~*
== Prologue ==
Very clear sky.
But it's hot, so that means a swimming pool.
—— Suburban leisure facilities ——
( Wow, there are a lot of people.)
Speaking of pools, I'm a waterslide fan.
You jumped in with great enthusiasm, but where did you end up a few seconds later?
Huh? Where am I?
There is no one here…
This world is probably incomplete.
I don't know if Gödel said that or not.
In second stage, mysterious rooms and some puzzles will amuse you.Finally you can see that cute oriental cat on the floor where you may experience wonderful but confusing "Gimmicky" World.
We look forward to having you join us!
Quote from "Hamlet" ——
Ber. Who's there?
Fran. Nay, answer me: stand, and unfold yourself.
From the beginning, the person who should be asked is asking the question.
In a sense, our world is upside down, isn't it?
In any case, the facts lie in this unpopular axiom:
ex falso quodlibet.