DrivingGo evaluates your driving style based on mobile sensors, and a good driving style rating is used to get a lower fuel price at gas stations. With a good rating and a good and safe driving style, oil companies that have a contract with DrivingGo will reward you with the lowest price of gasoline at their gas stations. By showing the ID code from the application at the gas station cashier, you will pay the lowest fuel price.
DrivinGo displays (within a diameter of 50-100 km from your current location) the nearest location of fuel stations, electric vehicle charging stations, parking spaces as well as the location where you parked your vehicle.
INTERNET CONNECTED VEHICLE – for vehicle produced after 2007
Having connected services subscriptions driver can
• Monitor vehicle health and receive maintenance alerts, access vehicle reports
• Remotely monitro fuel level in vehicle tank,
• Inspect dashboards ligts-warninigs, ….
OBD2 CONNECED VEHICLE – for vehicle produced after 1996 until today
On DrivingGo you can connect your car via any OBD2 device (via WiFi, BT or USB connection), monitor engine parameters and read/reset DTC codes.
Using the application, you can connect your vehicle via an OBD2 device (any OBD2 device that works on WiFi, BT or USB) and access numerous data from the vehicle. The DrivinGo app also reads and clears DTC codes.
Enter data on the monthly/annual value of the loan/lease, the price of the technical inspection and insurance, the estimate of the cost of fuel and the estimate of the annual value of repairs, the price of tolls, fines, etc., so that Drivingo will calculate how much it costs you monthly/yearly to own and use the car.
DrivingGo displays notifications to the user when it's time for vehicle service (via mileage data), when it's time to register (via registration date), as well as when it's time to change parts that need to be changed preventively (via mileage data or time since the last installation) - DrivingGo reminds you via notifications when the mileage or date for service, registration and replacement of parts is approaching.
DrivingGo allows you to control all costs related to the vehicle - vehicle repair with replaced parts, fuel, parking, washing, insurance,... DrivingGo allows you to monitor aggregate data on the costs of vehicle exploitation - mileage, driving cost, driving cost per kilometer and total consumption by days/weeks/months/years.
What is cost of ownership of your car based on purchasing cost, finance cost, vehicle inspection cost, tax, fuel cost, and other expenses
By entering the VIN number (Vehicle Identification Number) of your vehicle in DrivinGo, DrivinGo searches free VIN number databases and shows you the search result