Digital Watch Face MB381
Time: Digital time with big numbers ( You can change font color )
AM/PM indicator, 12/24h format ( depends on your phone system settings )
Date: Full week and day ( the field background color can be changed independently from the other fields )
Distance: Kilometers and Miles presented at same time. ( the field background color can be changed independently from the other fields )
2 custom complications,
Battery progress bar with battery percentage inside, moving along with the progress. ( progress bar color is fixed ) Shortcut to battery status when tapped on battery icon,
Percentage of the daily step goal progress bar with steps count inside, steps count moves along with the progress bar. ( progress bar color is fixed )
Heart rate progress bar and the heart rate value inside, moving along with the progress bar ( progress bar color is fixed ) Shortcut to measure heart rate when HR icon tapped.
Next even fixed complication,
Moon phase.
Full watch face in AOD mode ( dimmed )
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