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Crosshair & Nickname Pro : TOLAN


Download Crosshair & Nickname Pro APK for Android - Free - Latest Version

Latest Version

Name Crosshair & Nickname Pro APK
Version 38
Updated 2024-01-31
Developer TOLAN
ID com.addons.gamerbubbles
Installs 35,289
Category Libraries & Demo

Crosshair & Nickname Pro

Gamer Bubble let's you put custom overlay bubbles on your game screen to get some usefull values of your device when you need to measure the gaming performance of your device.

Also you can now generate cool nicknames and copy them to set as your nickname on the game you play!

Create cool nicknames for all games.
Create beautiful nicknames with ASCII characters.

◉ Memory usage bubble
◉ Temperature bubble
⊕ Crosshair bubble
◉ ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一Nickname generator☠꧂

You can resize your bubbles on the settings activity when you need.

Create fancy name styles easily and use it EVERYWHERE with no limit ⭐

☀ Can be used in all games.

Nickname generator gives lots of great results for gamers.

With the nickname generator you can create:

☢ Elf-themed nicknames
☢ Orc-themed nicknames
☢ Dwarf-themed nicknames
☢ Human (Male/Female)-themed nicknames

☀ Edit, Copy, Share your nickname anywhere, anytime

Thanks for using G-Bubbles!

Activate your bubbles when need and drag it over the game view. When done, just drag it to trash view on the bottom of the screen.

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