Chef Kids - Cook Yummy Food
Uh-oh – You’re starving, and no parents are home to feed you! It’s up to you and your friends to turn into gourmet chefs and make a delicious meal! Who said dinner before dessert?! You’re in charge now! Get creative in the kitchen and eat all the mouthwatering food you want!
> Is that your stomach growling? No one’s home to give you dinner, so you better get to the kitchen and start cooking!
> Turn into little kitchen wizards with your friends and prepare your favorite meals!
> Go to the supermarket with your friends and fill your carts to your heart’s desire!
> Choose yummy recipes to make, from 4 amazing cookbooks!
> Dress up as mini chefs, and clean up the messy kitchen! Don’t forget your chef’s hat!
> Use professional chef tools to make homemade pasta and pizza from scratch!
> FOOD FIGHT! Get messy in the kitchen.
> Bake cupcakes and make your own ice cream!
> You guys worked so hard making all that food – now it’s time to enjoy it in the dining room!
> Oh no! The oven exploded and one of your friends got hurt. Treat him with professional doctor tools so he can bake those treats!
> Have bake contests and vote for your favorite food. Who will win 1st prize?