You will find following traditional games in the APP :
- 01 games (301, 501, 701, 901)
- Cricket games(Standard, Cut Throat...)
- Count Up (standard, Cricket ...)
Moreover, we propose an online gaming experience allowing you to challenge another Canaveral ED900 dartboard owner, in one versus one, on the games 501, 701 and Cricket.
And you will find even more. A "match" mode will allow you to play as if you were in a real competition and to alternate between different gaming modes in the same match. Your personal stats are also available to help you measure your progression and your ranking. You will also discover different training games and a wide variety of fun games, allowing you to discover the fun and benefits of darts with all the family and your friends.
This application also proposes a manual scoring feature, allowing you to enjoy easy scoring with your traditional (steel-tip) dartboard if you have one.
This application is designed for this compatible product: Canaveral ED900 Dartboard