World Time Clock And Weather
Here you can select any country from the list to show current time, location, weather forecast, currency used, area, capitals & code also.
One click to check world time zone from your devices.
World clock helps to check foreign country time zones.
Now you can compare your timezone with other countries timezone.
Very helpful to travel around the world for helping them to check the time and date of that place and country.
Features :-
* Check your current timezone in one click.
* World clock time of all countries.
* Add the cities that you want to add them.
* Show current date and timezone.
* Easy to search city by name for easy access.
* Show clock as analog and digital clock.
* Check weather in your cities.
* You can also check other countries & cities weather also.
* Check weather forecast up to 7 days.
* Compare your current country times with other countries timezone.
* International timezone available for easy to show.