Weather Screen 2 - Forecast
Check weather information for the whole world!
See today's weather on the Home Screen
- Provides accurate, up-to-the-minute weather information.
- Compare today's weather with yesterday's to coordinate your outfit.
✔Main weather information
- Up-to-date weather at your current location
- Search weather in other regions
- Real-time temperature
- Real-time UV rays
- Real-time humidity
- Real-time rainfall probability and volume.
- Real-time wind speed/direction
- Real-time weather
- Real-time weather map
- Real-time dew point, air pressure, visibility
✔Weather Screen features
- The moon rises in a clear night sky on the Home Screen
- Weather and temperature compared to yesterday
- Weather alert feature
- Displays weather on the notification bar
- Widget feature
✔See worldwide weather information on your Home Screen
Supports national and regional information worldwide.
✔More useful information
- Allergy index
[Trees, grass pollen, mugwort pollen, etc…]
- Lifestyle weather index
[Skiing, hydration, beach and swimming pool, migraine, mosquito activity, fishing, hiking, sailing, etc]
- UV ray figures
- Sunrise/sunset times
- 10-day weather forecast (weekly forecast)
✔Convenient features of Weather Screen
Use your flashlight and camera right from the Home Screen.
※Weather Screen 2 Permission Notice
To provide smooth service, the following permissions are required. Please note that they will never be used for purposes other than those stated below.
[Required Permissions]
Display over other apps: Provides information on the phone's first screen.
[Optional Permissions]
*You can use the app without agreeing to the optional permissions.
Notifications: Use of notification bar and receiving weather updates
Location: Setting the current location to receive weather information