Video Call From Santa Claus
Connect with Santa right away or personalize the experience by selecting the time you want Santa to call you.
You will be overjoyed when you receive a unexpected phone call from Santa Claus.
You may talk to Saint Nicholas via live video chat.
Get an unique call message from Santa Claus for your family to make this Christmas extra-special.
Take advantage of limitless voice and video conversations. Enjoy them with Santa and ask her as many questions as you like throughout your conversation with her.
Send a message to Santa; he will respond immediately! (simulated)
have a wonderful holiday season and best wishes for a prosperous new year to everyone.
Every year on Christmas people search millions of greetings and then send it to their dear ones and make their Christmas special and memorable. Now get ready for this wonderful festival and bring smile on other faces with your greetings and wishes.
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Without having to ask your little ones directly, use the Santa Claus Calling & Greeting app to learn what they want for Christmas this year. A unique feature of this app allows users to call a pre-recorded Santa.
*Please note that "Santa Claus Calling" is just amusing. It won't feel like the genuine Santa Claus at all. In fact, I don't even know the genuine Santa's phone number.
ATTENTION! This app is not a real calling Santa and only an imitation! The app does not bear any harm and is only for fun.