USA History Quiz
dive into the history of united stated with hundreds of beautiful question about United States History where you will be give multiple choices to choose answer.
the game is a must for any one want to know United States history in a fun and educational way.
the game have question about most important historical events happened in united states.
Game Features
- every question have 4 multiple choices options just 1 is true.
- every game have 15 question
- you got 1 minute to answer a question
- you get more points if you answer correctly fast.
- you have some help method to assist you through game
- you can remove 2 wrong answers for 2 times every game
- you can change the question 2 times every game
- if time passed you can postpone question time
- assist methods need coins to be used, you can get coins from watching ads or buying a bundle of coins with very small amount of money.
- game have very nice USA patriot music
- you can mute music and sound effects from settings
- if you get a high score you can put your name in high score table
- Game statistics screen have statistics about your experience in the game, for example how much correct answer you made through all games and other statistics.
this game will enrich your knowledge about United States History in a fun and nice experience.
download it now
its completely free