Unit Converter
Unlock a vast array of unit conversions, practical tools, and accurate calculations:
📐 Angle:
Convert between Circle, Degree, Gon, Mil, Minute, and more for all your geometric needs.
🏞️ Area:
Seamlessly switch between Square Kilometer, Square Meter, Hectare, Acre, Square Foot, and other area units for real estate, mapping, and more.
🍳 Cooking:
Effortlessly convert Teaspoon, Tablespoon, Fluid Ounce (UK and US), and other cooking measurements for perfect recipes every time.
💱 Currency and Cryptocurrency:
Stay updated with the latest exchange rates and convert currencies and cryptocurrencies from any country instantly.
⚡ Current:
Convert between Abampere, Ampere, Biot, EMU of Current, and other electrical current units for your scientific and engineering projects.
💾 Digital Storage:
Easily convert Bit to Byte and other digital storage units for all your tech needs.
🌡️ Energy:
Switch between Joule, Kilojoule, Calorie, BTU, Kilowatt-hour, and other energy units for accurate energy measurements.
⚖️ Force:
Convert Newton, Dyne, Gram-Force, and other force units for your physics and engineering calculations.
🚗 Fuel Consumption:
Convert Miles/Gallon to Liters/100 KM, Miles/Liter, and other fuel consumption units for vehicle efficiency tracking.
📏 Length/Distance:
Accurately convert between Meter, Centimeter, Mile, Yard, Foot, Inch, and other length units for any project.
⚖️ Mass/Weight:
Effortlessly switch between Kilogram, Pound, Gram, Ounce, Ton, Stone, and other weight units for everyday use.
💪 Power:
Convert between Watt, Kilowatt, Horsepower, kV-A, BTU/hour, and other power units for your technical needs.
🌬️ Pressure:
Convert Bar to Atmosphere, Pascal, PSI, and more pressure units for engineering and scientific purposes.
🔊 Sound:
Accurately convert between Bel, Decibel, Neper, and other sound units for your acoustic measurements.
🚀 Speed:
Seamlessly convert Km/Hour, Mile/Hour, Meter/Second, Foot/Second, Knot, and other speed units for travel and physics.
🌡️ Temperature:
Easily switch between Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin, and other temperature units for all your temperature-related needs.
🔩 Torque:
Convert Newton-meter to Foot-pound-force or Inch-pound-force and other torque units for mechanical projects.
📦 Volume:
Effortlessly convert Teaspoon, Tablespoon, Pint (UK and US), Gallon, Cubic Meter, and other volume units for any requirement.
⏰ Time:
Convert between Second, Month, Year, Week, Day, and other time units for time tracking and scheduling.
👕 Clothing Size:
Navigate various clothing sizing systems for perfect fits every time.
👟 Shoe Size:
Convert shoe sizes across different sizing systems for accurate shoe shopping.
🩲 Bra Size:
Find the perfect fit with conversions between various bra sizing systems.
🎩 Hat Size:
Convert between different hat sizing systems for the best fit.
💍 Ring Size:
Accurately convert ring sizes across different sizing systems for perfect rings.
Armed with indispensable tools:
⏱️ Chronometer
🧭 Compass
📅 Calendar
🔢 Counter
⏳ Date Difference Calculator
📊 Periodic Table
📐 Protractor
🕋 Qibla Direction Finder
🚗 Speedometer
🔀 Random Number Generator
⏰ World Clock
Elevate your calculations
🧮 BMI Calculator
➗ Decimal To Fraction Converter
➕ Percentage Calculator
📊 Encoding Tool
⏳ Day Counter
🔐 CHMOD Utility
🧪 Scientific Calculator
🎓 GPA Calculator
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Unit Converter