Timestamp : GPS Photo Location
Timestamp : GPS Photo Location app also allows you to add location tags to your videos. Easily enhance the view of your photos and videos with the exact location time and tag. Find another useful tool like changing the map type in a tag, changing the date format, changing the temperature unit, and also choosing the location as per your convenience with these amazing photo tag customizing tools. Try this Time stamp: GPS Photo Location App and enhance your memories with perfect location tags.
Add latitude, longitude, and time tag details in your photos
Add current weather details and a place map tag to your photo/video
Wide range of tags to enhance the look of your photos and videos
Change the map type within the tag for a personalized touch
Customize data formats and temperature units to match your location
Select your location manually if you want to add your choice
Capture every moment and store it with exact location tags
Save all your captured photos and videos into the creation folder
With just a tap, share your memorable location tag photos and videos