The Lost Penguin
- Tap a cell on the map to move the penguin horizontally or vertically. Each step costs 1 health point. The level restarts automatically when health is 0. Recharge points recover full health.
- A level is finished when all flags are covered, one flag per penguin.
- When a penguin is next to the player, tapping it makes it a friend, who will follow the player until it's disconnected. Tapping an already connected friend disconnects the friend.
- When the player is next to a letter, you can tap the letter to activate it, then tap a target penguin to attach the letter, which makes the penguin copy the player's movement whenever possible, i.e. synchronized with the player. Tap the letter again to disable the synchronization.
- When the player is next to an egg, tapping the egg gives you the option to hatch it into a penguin, or push it toward the opposite direction. A pushed egg keeps rolling until hitting a blocker or the edge of the map.
- Blockers block penguin movement as well as interaction with penguins, letters, eggs, and enemies. Dynamic blockers are controlled by the color-matching switch. When the switch is pushed down by a penguin/egg/enemy, the blocker is temporarily removed. When the object on the switch is gone, the blocker is placed back.