Talex Spring Watch
12/24 Digital time HH:MM (AUTO-sync with your Phone time)
No leading '0' in HH of 12hr time mode.
7 Floral Styles + 16 Color Themes - make your own Style via Customise button.
The face includes a Set of the useful Widgets and Shortcuts.
High Color Always-On mode.
Active mode FEATURES
- 12/24 Digital time HH:MM (auto-sync with your phone time)
- No leading '0' in HH of 12hr time
- Day of Week/Date/Month
- Calendar Shortcut
- Battery %
- Step counter
- SHealth Steps Shortcut
- 7 Floral Styles
- 16 Color Themes
- 100+ Combinations!
- Heart Rate + Shortcut to Measuring HR App
- 12/24 Digital time HH:MM
- Day of Week/Date/Month
- Battery %
Please find more details on our Features graphics.
Please EMAIL us if you need help on installation.