Surah Mulk – Urdu English 2024
Now that we know the amazing benefits of Surah Mulk, we cannot just sit there and let these blessings pass us. Here are action steps that you can take:
1. Memorize Surah Mulk
Surah Mulk only has 30 verses. If you memorize one ayah a day, you can complete memorizing this jewel of a surah in just 1 month!
2. Read Surah Mulk Every Day
Set a routine for yourself, either after fajr or before bed time to take wudhu, pick up your Quran and recite Surah Mulk. If you can do this every day, you will be invoking the mercy of Allah and you have a good chance to be saved from his punishment.
3. Understand the Meanings
At the end of the day, if you're just reading Surah Mulk robotically without understanding the meaning, it won't do you much good. Take the time and effort to understand the meaning of each verse. Allah did not send down the Quran for us to just read in a melodious voice every now and then. No! He sent us the Quran such that we may reflect and understand.
You can buy a tafsir (explanation) of the Quran or you can even watch explanations of Surah Mulk on YouTube. When you understand the profound meanings of Surah Mulk, your imaan will be strengthened and your taqwa in Allah will increase beyond bounds, in sha Allah.