Sport and Active Health
SpAH Class Timetables
Get real-time access to exercise programme timetables, including times, rooms and class descriptions.
SpAH Swimming Pool Timetables
Get real-time access to the swimming pool timetable, including opening times, facility details and where relevant, class descriptors.
SpAH Information
Information on opening times, facilities, and how to contact us.
SpAH News and Push Notifications
Instantly get notified of SpAH news and events right on your phone. With the app, you’ll immediately know when there are new events or classes, ensuring that you’ll never miss a special event.
SpAH Class Bookings
Access the online booking portal via the app for booking classes at SpAH.
View SpAH membership packages with direct links to our reception team who will answer any questions you might have.
Contact Us
Easily contact us with details of SpAH telephone numbers, social media channels, email addresses, maps and directions.
For help or to contact us, please visit