Sound Meter DB
- Real time update on chart graph
- Display minimum(Min), maximum(Max) and average(Avg) Decibel(dB) in the recording session
- Display measuring time
- Reset Button is provided in case you need to reset the measuring
- Play and Pause button is provided
- Noise test or Sound test(decibel meter or dB meter)
With this Sound Meter DB:
- 0dB : Most people just hear a low noise.
- 30dB~40dB : It\'s the ideal calm.
- 50dB : Affects rest and sleep.
- 70dB : Can affect learning and work.
- 90dB : Affect audition.
- 150dB : A sudden exposure to a sound environment of 150dB, will break the eardrums. The audition will be completely lost.
The value of decibel meter or sound meter(dB meter) is not as precise as an actual Sound Pressure Level Meter(SPL Meter), soundmeter, decibel meter or noise level meter, this is due to most device's microphone are aligned to human voice.
Just click and download this useful Sound Meter DB app NOW!