Smart QRcode
Recently QR codes are used in many places. This app is a simple and intuitive tool build with Zxing library.
* Features in 3 main categories:
1. Scan - autofocus, flashlight, copy to clipboard, go
2. Generate - download, share, go
3. History - your scanned and generated QRcode list, CSV export
A function to save the scanned QR code as a CSV file is included. It is useful for visitor management.
You can also scan the QR code to connect to Wi-Fi.
* Supported QR codes:
- text
- web
- Wi-Fi connection
- location
- phone
- SMS, email
A barcode scanner was added. (Data Matrix, UPC, EAN, Code39, PDF417, ...)
For more information, watch YouTube and visit the blog. Thank you.