Science Experiment Physics Lab
You’ll find a lot of experiments that could be done with simple ingredients that are easily available around your home (with adult supervision of course). Learn all the new physics concept with a step by step guided experiments with animation and instructions to explain you the science behind the experiments.
Learn how different material and actions react to each other creating wonderful results.
Key Feature
While playing this science experiment game, you will be guided step by step with voice. And after completing an experiment, a conclusion will be presented for learning and assistance in school projects.
Experiments Overview
#1 Demonstrate the generation of static electricity and its effect.
#2 Making a coin reach to its Curie Point.
#3 Live demonstration of light’s straight path.
#4 A magical experiment defying gravity
#5 Demonstration of refraction of light
#6 Understanding the transfer of energy from one body to another
#7 Create a direct current electric motor or homopolar motor.
New Game Mode: Science Quiz
Discover the amazing world of fascinating scientific facts! This general science quiz game mode is not just quiz, but you can also learn from it. Try out the updated science experiments game and play its whole new level of exploring various science facts.
You can also use lifeline if you are stuck or confused.
So don’t just wait for finding physics project for your exhibition. Learn these cool experiments and show them at your school.