School Love Story | Chapter 2
Visual novel School Love Story #2 is the long-awaited continuation of the story that has won the hearts of many! In this part, you will find even more romance, intrigue and adventure. We have prepared for you a fascinating plot, new characters, interesting dialogues and atmospheric music.
✨ Summer camp is a time of new discoveries!
Exams are over! The main characters are finally going to a summer camp at the sea! Sun, sand, sea... what could be better? You will find out what surprises, secrets and what romantic stories will unfold on the seashore.
💖 This game is for you if:
• you like romantic love stories for girls;
• you want to be the main character in the anime novel genre;
• you want to play an anime manga or otome game in Russian;
• you want to play for free and without tokens;
• you like to build love relationships with a guy;
• want to learn a new story about the characters and go on an exciting journey with them;
✨ Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of summer adventures!
Help the main characters sort out their complicated relationships and find their love! The first trip to the sea is always an unforgettable adventure, full of new impressions, discoveries and romance.
📲 Download the app right now and set off to meet an unforgettable love story!