Scary Mr Butcher & Psychopath
Your mission is to save people from psychopath angry neighbor wants fresh meat to eat. Psychopath scary butcher is in hunt of you in his horror story house. He knows you are entering in his haunted house to save others, which are just a bite of your psycho angry neighbor wants meat every time in this new escape game 2021. Use your skills and tools provided to you in haunted house of butcher. New Escape room of butcher and evil angry neighbor has power like a zombie to grab and throw anybody around the house or to kidnap anyone for his meat and meal escape room. You can hit and run for requiem of angry scary butcher eye. Nobody can help you in this old haunted house, you are alone and you have to done it at your own to tell others horror stories later.
1. Outstanding suspense & horror story work.
2. Impossible missions with giant butcher hungry of meat.
3. High Quality Graphics with Outstanding Environment.
4. Inventory for you to Collect and enjoy the toughest missions of game.