SBB Inclusive
The information you need always at your fingertips
SBB Inclusive recognises which train station you are in and shows you the corresponding upcoming departures. When you get on a long-distance train, you receive a push notification with the relevant information for your journey (train number, destination, coach number, travel class, service zone, upcoming stops). If you change coaches, the train information will be updated. Thanks to SBB Inclusive, you’ll know you’re on the right train.
Accessibility is what we do
The app is optimised for the use of operational tools such as VoiceOver, DarkMode and enlarged text. It is therefore particularly suitable for passengers with impaired vision, who can travel more independently and safely with the help of the app.
SBB Inclusive’s range of operation
SBB Inclusive currently works in all Swiss train stations and on all SBB long-distance trains. Please continue to use the SBB Mobile app to plan your journeys.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us:
Data security and authorisations
What permissions does SBB Inclusive need and why?
SBB Inclusive needs your location to be able to provide you with information relevant to the station you’re at or the long-distance train you’re on. Location data is not saved.
Would you like to use SBB Inclusive’s functions on long-distance trains too? Make sure to turn on your Bluetooth.
Internet access:
SBB Inclusive needs internet access so that the app can provide you with travel information.