Quick Message: Easy Message
We have got powerful solution for you. Now you can quickly send messages to any mobile numbers which are not in your contact list. Use Quick Message App and send direct WhatsApp message to unsaved phone number.
Here is how to use it. Open the app, enter phone number, press start chat in WhatsApp. The app will redirect you to WhatsApp chat. Isn’t it feel like hassle free and easy message?
To make it more seamless and easy message, this direct WhatsApp message app allows you to simply copy the phone number from anywhere in your clipboard and simply paste it in the app to send WhatsApp message to any phone number.
WhatsApp will notify you if the new phone number does not exist on WhatsApp Easy Message app makes your life convenient. We know it’s a feels like a daunting task to add a temporary number in order to send WhatsApp message. Your contact list is flooded with lots of unnecessary contacts just because you needed to send WhatsApp message to them once. Now send direct WhatsApp message to any phone number effortlessly. Easy message Text without saving phone number.
We all have been in situations where we need to save a phone number temporarily. We were to send WhatsApp message to a cab driver, a handyman, delivery boy, a stranger to whom we forwarded a message or anyone temporarily and we had to save the new phone number in contact list. Isn’t it odd when these temporarily saved contacts starts viewing your WhatsApp statuses? No more unnecessary contacts. Send direct WhatsApp messages to any phone number without saving with Quick Message app. We make easy message.
✓ User Friendly App
✓ Send Direct WhatsApp message
✓ Send WhatsApp message without saving contact
✓ List of all country's country code to make it easy for you
✓ Get History of sent message through Quick Message
✓ Save unlimited predefine messages
✓ Get rid of unnecessary phone numbers
✓ Quick send messages for FREE
Disclaimer: We are using publicly available feature of WhatsApp to provide a easy and handy App for the users. Users are responsible for their actions and any messages they are sending. We don't claim any rights of WhatsApp feature.