Pythia Stock Analysis
A central feature is the Pythia rating, which assigns to each stock a number between 0 and 100, reflecting the stock's prospects for the following weeks, up to a couple of months. The higher the rating, the higher is is the likelihood of yielding positive returns on the one hand, and of not seeing substantially increasing risk, on the other hand. The Pythia rating is the result of a combination of machine learning prediction algorithms with methods from mathematical statistics that take into account
technical indicators such as Sharpe ratio, moving averages, moving volatility, among others, computed over various time periods.
Pythia supports major stock indices in United States (S&P500, S&P1000), United Kingdom, India (BSE100), Germany, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway,
France, Italy, Netherlands, Japan
Pythia allows users to
- filter and sort stocks according to indicators such as Pythia rating, returns, Sharpe ratio, Sortino ratio, moving averages, Money Flow Index, volatility etc. By adapting the settings accordingly, users are able to find stocks satisfying well-known bullish markets signals, as well as stocks suited for low-risk portfolios with stable returns.
- create virtual portfolios and paper trade stocks
- track portfolios with respect to performance, risk, and Pythia rating
- see what stocks have been most searched by other users