Phone Locator - Phone Detector
🏤 Find Nearby Places
Find nearby places such as: food courts, entertainment areas, shopping centers and other services.
🚦 Quick Check Traffic Condition
Save time and costs much more when in traffic by checking the status of nearby traffic.
🎫Sim Card Information
Phone Number Location provides detailed information: How to know your number and customer care number when using Phone Locator - Phone Detector App, etc.
DISCLAIMER: The App is not spying software. Phone Location App is a locating phone app by phone number location with mutual consent.
The FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MEDIA_PROJECTION permission ensures the appropriate use of user-facing foreground services.
For apps targeting Android 14 and above, you must specify a valid foreground service type for each foreground service used in my app.
It’s really hard to skip this excellent phone checker app, right? Cell Phone Locator protects your kids.
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